When you decide to insulate your new house, not only will you save money when it comes to energy bills, but you will increase its market value. Several insulation types are considered ideal for most homes and easy to install if you use the right tools. The task involves a lot of things, so you will have to buy protective gear. Insulation needs to be done correctly to be effective, so make sure to use the right methods. If you don’t know about the types available, you can see more options at the Insulation4US website.
In the meantime, here are some common types of insulation:
Faced and Unfaced Insulation
The famous type of insulation is intended to fit in regular joist spaces. They will be paper-faced or unfaced. The paper is designed to act as a barrier to stop moisture from passing through to the living area. For instance, if you choose to put faced batts in your house, you need to place the paper upside down. If possible, you can place another layer of batts.
Unfaced rolls and batts are appropriate for your walls. You won’t need special attaching. The batts will be light and the right size to fit correctly in the joist spaces. You will have to get the correct measurements, cut, and ensure they work correctly. Once everything is in, you will have to install a moisture barrier to ensure everything goes smoothly.
Paper-faced Insulation
The paper-faced batts will have slim paper strips that will be crucial when it comes to installing insulation. If you place the paper-faced fibreglasses in the joist spaces with them facing down, you don’t have to reveal the paper strips. When you put them on a wall, you will unfold them and attach them to studs.
Blown-in Insulation
If you have an attic with restricted access, the ideal method to insulate it is blown-in insulation. Since it is made from batts, lightweight cellulose, or wool fibers, this insulation type will come in a tight bag but have a blower. The threads inside will expand and float. But when it comes to blown-in insulation, you need to know that it will settle anywhere. You need to be keen and stop the areas you don’t see fit before you do anything. Make sure you do this by removing the batts to create “dams,” which will help stop fibers from reaching the vents. Extra dams are required when it comes to handling stove pipes or electrical channels.
Rigid Foam Insulation
This type of insulation will have you dealing with boards that have 4-by-8-foot sheets. These sheets will be very light. Even though you could try and fit the boards in the walls, you need to know that they work best in crawl spaces. Special glue is required to keep them sturdy and secure. To create a seal, make sure you use rigid foam insulation and later apply the right sealant. Ensure you use special tape and glue that is from a reliable foam board producer.
Spray Foam Insulation
With spray foam insulation, it is well-known to save energy, but it is worth noting that only experts are allowed to install it. Please don’t mistake it for the product that is in the popular aerosol cans. The professional will spray liquid foam, and you will start to see swelling in the open spaces.
Roll Insulation
Roll insulation is standard and will be used in your house. Even though they will cover areas such as crawl spaces and attics, they can be reduced to fit correctly. Also, you need to know they can come either faced or unfaced. If you wish the installation process to be more comfortable with less dust, make sure you buy a plastic product. The plastic will act as a vapor barrier.
With faced insulation, it will be utilized in attics, exterior walls, knee walls, basements, etc. Just like other types, roll insulation is excellent depending on where you want to use it. When you decide to use it, ensure you get the right one.
Tips to Consider When Installing Insulation
When you decide to install insulation in your home, you should wear safety gear such as a face mask and gloves. The insulation process is not straightforward as you may think. You will get involved with materials that could irritate your respiratory system, eyes, and skin. It is essential to wear safety gear when handling a project in a dusty area. When you decide to install reflective insulation, you can wear the best eye protection. Also, be wary of the potential of getting a sunburn.